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Anton Vujma's book About black PR

Chapter 1

Use black PR for attack of business of competitors.

On statistics use black PR for attack of business of competitors is most frequently meeting in world(global) practice the phenomenon. This activity does not comprise something not ethic and illegal. Any most authoritative firm has rights to be engaged black PR. do not think, that black PR you will soil. Certainly if black PR to do(make) not professionally it is possible to get dirty more strongly the opponent, however you will do(make) it(him) top-level?

Qualitative black PR is a healthy competition, it is unnecessary it(him) to stand aside and are afraid. It(he) not only promotes improvement of a situation in the market, but also renders irreplaceable service to consumers.

We shall Consider some base principles of this activity. It is not necessary to abuse the competitor in a forehead. It is usually enough to cause doubt. Frontal abuse where you would not use her(it): whether it be personal quarrel, a phone conversation or geopolitic PR - practically always causes tearing away, some kind of неприятие. People are not inclined to trust abuse. Frequently it is not pleasant to them, that one person speaks about another poorly. Therefore it is necessary to cause doubt, in what that base properties of the competitor. You only give the facts and inform them up to a target audience, and she(it) in turn transforms these facts, finishs thinking and comes to some conclusions. And the abusive information also will contain in these conclusions.

In black PR it is a base principle. It is not necessary to abuse, and it is necessary only to force to doubt. It is not necessary « лить a dirty » and to use epithets, and it is necessary to inform only one fact, but forcing a target audience to doubt. And, to cause doubt it is possible even to praise instead of to abuse.

Other principle is necessity to attack the most important properties of the competitor. If you hook, what that insignificant for a target audience of property of the competitor this influence can be on the order less effective. Only having attacked the main properties of business of the competitor it is possible to achieve result. For example, we shall present, that it is necessary to attack any building campaign and a target audience of attack are buyers of their apartments. What main properties in this case? Quality of apartments, quality of a house, ecological cleanliness of a building site and the used materials, the adequate price of apartments etc. Among these properties also it is necessary to search for lacks or the facts causing doubts. Then on defects of these properties black PR-campaign also should be based. It is not important for the given target audience, where the building company has extracted the initial capital where on Sunday its(her) director etc. was if all this is not reflected in quality of construction.

The Third principle is truthfulness of the information. It is completely not necessary for you to inform the false data, always it is possible to find quite truthful information, concerning the competitor or to create those. Using the truthful information you will achieve on the order of the best results rather than distributing the false data. Always easily it is possible to beat off having struck on false making your data and it is very difficult to be beaten off if all campaign will be constructed on the truth.

In what sequence actions usually proceed during realization black PR campaigns?

Define(determine), that you are going to attack. It is possible to attack a product and his(its) buyers. Or to attack the company and its(her) personnel. To attack the director, the bookkeeper and their relatives. To attack power structures on which business of the competitor depends. To attack partners and suppliers. Attack it is possible it is focused on the most different components of business of the competitor. It is necessary to analyse all from them and to understand specificity of these attacks. To understand what branch it is the best way to attack. Where you can achieve the greatest result with the least expenses. Attack should be precisely concentrated on object and is concretized so as far as it will be possible(probable). If a subject of attack a product it is necessary to understand what particularly a product you will attack. It is not always possible to attack all ассортиментную a ruler of products, sometimes only one of products is subject to attack to the greatest degree.

Further to reveal a target audience of people for which this information is intended. Usually it is those people which directly adjoin to object of attack. In a case if you attack a product of firm a target audience can be group of clients of the company, and also the employees working with a product (it is possible for example to distribute hearing about unhealthy conditions of work). If it is accounts department a target audience tax inspection etc will be most probable. It is very important to focus attack. If clients of firm are 10 person it is completely not necessary to influence them through TV. These 10 person can receive the information from group of hired actors which under a kind of casual passers - by will meet him(it) in the street. Also it is possible to use letters, faxes etc. Aspire to attack информационно a minimum quantity of people. That is that minimum which in a condition to solve the problem.

To find the negative information necessary for PR-campaign. Here we have weight of problems. She(it) should be truthful and sensational. She(it) should concern the main properties of attacked object. That is it is necessary or to find such negative information or to force the opponent of her(it) to create, or рефреймировать the white information. Рефреймирование very interesting process. It allows to prove, that black is white, and white black. However you see the opponent in reciprocal actions also can use creative рефрейминг, therefore or do(make) such рефрейминг which cannot be beaten off, or search for more effective information. It is interesting that to find the real black information, касающеюся many enterprises of Russia it is very easy. The Russian enterprises are not spoilt professional black PR and consequently do not prepare for such attacks and frequently give will авосю and халяве. Many enterprises in Russia have obviously appreciable defects and defects in system of business. And not important services it or any products. At the Russian enterprises frequently it is possible to find weight of defects. And such defects which they do not try to correct at all. A typical example from this area is my conversation with one of heads of advertising service Jandeksa. I have complained to them of lacks of their advertising service. The matter is that though they promise, that the advertising message will be seen only by those who types(collects) the words bought by you, actually it(he) is seen frequently with people absolutely not necessary to you. I have specified him(it) as this defect can be corrected and have received such answer: « Well so you see our service it simply advertising, and advertising always hangs anywhere and look her(it) абы who. And unless other kinds of advertising guarantee to you hit in a target audience? » . And it is valid frequently advertising in Russia does not guarantee hit in a target audience by virtue of that founders рекламоносителя do not aspire to this. You can order advertising in элитном free-of-charge given magazine, and appears, that except for vagabonds of it(him) nobody reads, as they the first have time to take all numbers. And I always, Naiveties, thought, that hit in a target audience is the main problem(task) of advertising.

On foreign manufactures quality watch(keep up) much more. I shall bring some cases, the large international concerns connected to branches in Russia.

One my student worked on Phillip Morise earlier. His(its) functions included monitoring machine tools working with a foil used in packing of cigarettes. The machine tool on which it(he) worked, scratched a foil for cigarettes and rendered on it(her) trade marks. Once the machine tool started to work poorly for some reason. This person has corrected defects, has loaded a foil and has started process. Then it(he) has gone to have dinner. Having had dinner, and having had a rest somewhere two hours, it(he) has returned and has found out, that all conveyor is stopped. The matter is that in a department of quality surveillance of end production have found out one small defect. The trade mark on a foil was пропечатан on the back party(side). It hardly appreciablly and not so strongly influences quality of cigarettes, but nevertheless all party(set) was destroyed. And in these two hours the machine tool has had time to make more than 50000 packings. Thus, the mistake of this my student has resulted in a marriage(spoilage) on a total sum of 15000 dollars. From him(it) anybody did not take this money, it(he) was simply dismissed.

I shall Tell one more case иллюстрирующий a level of quality surveillance on the western manufacture. My student worked in a department of logistic at factory Форд in Всеволожске. There within two years tried to adjust manufacture Форд of focuses. They did(made) about 50 machines per one month, sending all party(set) under пресс. Sometimes machines were exposed such speed up only because of insignificant defects of quality. For example, at one machine after run of 50000 kilometers it was loosened a little винтиков on the panel of devices.

However even this western system allows to find the negative information on the company. For example, we shall take any qualitative dear(expensive) automobile. It is difficult to carp at quality. However, for example, it is possible to find statistics on autoaccidents of this automobile. Is simple to collect and publish the data on tens the autoaccidents connected to it(him). For example, after destruction of princess Diany on Мерседесе their selling on any time has fallen. And it is valid this firm was proud of pillows of safety, and other means of protection of passengers, but all these means have not rescued princess.

The simple autorepair statistics will carp In another way at the faultless machine. It is possible to collect the data: owners, what machines address in automobile repair shops more often. Or too most to calculate on years of manufacture. Sometimes similar статистка yields the most unexpected results. As owners Zhigulej repair the авто in garage more often.

Having collected the information it is necessary to lead(carry out) her(it) рефреминг. That is to choose such foreshortening of a sight on the facts that they have got the most effective position. As a rule, it is possible to look at the same problem from tens various points. And some of them modify a problem in private(individual) внутрикорпоративное event. Other points of view do(make) a problem by smart news which concerns all society, but do not assume active actions on its(her) elimination. And only one point of view beats in ten, i.e. considers(examines) the facts from that point of view when the problem becomes very actual, important, universal and demanding active actions. Such actions which will result, finally in result desirable by you, i.e. for example, to destruction of image of the competitor, his(its) bankruptcy etc. the Cleanest(purest) truth at wrong рефрейминге can turn lie. Very(very much) frequently to force people to believe in the truth more difficultly, than in lie. And moreover, at wrong submission the truth is perceived, as lie.

To develop a chain of events of which your PR-campaign will consist. The single action(share) can be very productive, but, as a rule, for achievement of serious effect it is necessary to realize the complete set from several actions(shares). Therefore at once it is necessary to develop system of consecutive events. They can consist of one main thing and several collateral. Can consist of a sequence same, but in any case it is a complex of the events focused on one problem(task).

For example, in the beginning any client offended by your competitor will arrange hunger-strike before a building of city administration. Then the group of clients will arrange in the same place meeting, then they will jump in water from the bridge as a token of the protest or will burn out products of the competitor, having collected from them the big heap. One such event can draw only insignificant attention of press, and all together they will cause a strong resonance. And in all it is process by the main event actually there can be a judicial claim of group of consumers against your competitor. Certainly, the claim should be based on the real facts and on real defects of a product of the opponent. As a rule, the given events are done(made) not on behalf of the company of the customer, and on behalf of any public organization or personally from citizens. In rare cases black PR it is possible to carry out(spend) and on behalf of the head company.


Example. An enemy powder


In 1994 company Procter and Gamble has collided(faced) some problems caused by occurrence of detergent powder Persil Power from company Unilever. Efficiency of this new powder was much higher, than at a similar powder of company P*G. Powder Power was considerably more economic. His(its) small portion allowing to wash off as much linen, as considerably bigger portion of powder Ariel, at their identical cost. P*G it was necessary to do(make) something.

Эд Артцт chapter P*G Prince of Darkness having a nickname, has undertaken fast actions against new trend in the market and aggressive competitive actions of company Unilever. Having studied in the laboratories a new powder of the competitor in P*G have found out in it(him) the Manganous catalyst which in plenties is capable to corrode fabrics strongly. March, 31, 1994 P*G have put forward the ultimatum of company Unilever and have warned, that will accept active actions if Unilevel will not clean(remove) from sale a new powder.

After refusal Unilevel to execute requirements P*G have begun active black PR campaign. April, 27, 1994 in the Danish press the first messages that powder Power is capable to destroy fabrics have appeared. These are messages went on behalf of P*G. April, 29 Unilevel have lead(carried out) пресс conference denying all accusations P*G and informing that they gather пождать in court on P*G.

In answer P*G have employed company Rowland Company for realization massed PR impact on the competitor. The last have entered interaction with all European associations under rights of consumers, manufacturers of washing machines, various retail to dealers and other public organizations.

Many of these organizations began to carry out(spend) actively briefings, to press conference and to show on them samples of a fabric damaged(injured) Power. In result, photos of the damaged(injured) fabric have reached(achieved) many largest newspapers and magazines. Sales volumes of a new powder have started to fall with huge speed.

Defenders of an environment have accused of Sweden Power, that it(he) has endangered national clothes. The international associations of consumers damned Power.

After long PR campaigns stretched(dragged out) on some years and sated with many events P*G could achieve destruction of powder Power and his(its) withdrawal from the market.

Whether For us not important was actually Power harmful to fabrics or it is an invention of chemists with P*G, but there was one important fact, that найдя the real compromising facts it is possible to distribute in literal sense to the competitor, causing at consumers doubt in the validity of quality of the goods of the competitor.


Very much frequently for realization PR of the companies dependent or independent public organizations are used. They can be used for distribution and creation of PR-information and by means of the same organizations information occasions, as a rule, are created. Sometimes public organizations are established specially for realization of concrete PR-campaign.

It Is possible to tell, that the majority of public organizations even under the names mean struggle for something or protection of someone's rights, and thus the magnificent tool black PR. We shall recollect their names: the society of protection of rights of consumers, a society of protection of ecology, a society « Soldier's mothers », a society of protection of rights of women etc. Yes they are simply created for black PR. Many and very much many such associations struggle for something and, as a rule, information methods. Unless, that in the charter do not write: « Realization black PR ».

Here there is an amusing concurrence. The most widespread translation into Russian of word PR (Public Relations) - Public relations. But unless there can be public relations without public organizations? Both in white and in black they are simply necessary.

Target audience in black PR.

The extremely important a question in black PR is a correct choice of a target audience. The attacked object is usually surrounded with the following audiences:

• His(its) clients.

• His(its) competitors.

• His(its) partners.

• the State instances with which the object cooperates.

• His(its) personnel.

• His(its) suppliers.

• the Inhabitants living near to the enterprise or somehow compelled with it(him) to cooperate.

• Relatives of employees of the enterprise. Actually if the purpose of destruction of business of the competitor it is possible to attack any of the listed target audiences or all together is pursued.

The Widespread mistake is the beginning of attack on any one of audiences without the analysis of all possible(probable) attacks. As a rule, before the beginning of attack if you do not have concrete interest (for example to reduce quantity(amount) of clients at the competitor). That is if the purpose of your future attack does not dictate you strictly certain audience you should analyse all accessible audiences and opportunities of them to attack.

Certainly, it is possible to analyze audiences by conclusions and the analysis of the information available at you, but it is better таки to lead(carry out) all thorough research of an audience. How it(him) to carry out(spend)? Actually it is not necessary at once to rush to do(make) interrogations or something similar. Remember, everything, that you need to learn(find out) it about the target audiences environmental object of your attack more and to make it it is possible in one hundred different ways, including such which are not described in one of existing books.

And nevertheless I порекомендую to you some ways of research of target audiences:

• Open sources and databases. Very much frequently about your competitor and his(its) interactions with clients, competitors and all other target audiences it is possible to learn(find out) in the Internet. Come there and consistently search for the data on each of target audiences of the competitor, т.е basically all that about him(it) write. These data can be on forums, in newspapers, magazines etc. From поисковиков I recommend metabot.ru. Also there are numerous databases and periodic directories. The competitor very much frequently and tells about itself in advertising and white PR much. As a rule, you can find a lot of information in open sources and this information can suffice for effective PR-campaign.

• In part closed information. If the analysis of open sources has not given essential results, and you feel, that for effective black PR campaigns obviously do not suffice the data it is possible to start more thorough analysis of audiences and the competitor. The most simple way of research in part closed information is activity under a kind of the client. Nothing prevents you to become the potential client of your competitor or his(its) target audience and to collect, thus, the detailed information first-hand. Very much frequently activity under a kind of the client allows to learn(find out) the most unexpected things. Besides a role of "client" you can operate under shape of the journalist, the writer or the representative of public organization. Find that legend which will give you access to a maximum quantity of the information. It is a lot of variants of these legends and the majority of them are not illegal. With whom with наружи the firm can cooperate? Think, who there can address not having any official powers? Naturally, being the representative of law enforcement bodies or tax inspection it is possible to get access to any information, but it is unlawful, if you are not the employee of one of such organizations. However nothing prevents you to become:

1. the competitor of work in given firm,

2. the courier by mistake delivered a pizza (if want to make it absolutely officially create firm on развозу pizzas),

3. casually will get acquainted to somebody from firm on rest,

4. the agent on sale of the advertising areas,

5. the representative of the wholesale dealer,

6. the partner of the director on боулингу (that is, as though you with it(him) once played),

7. the representative of the firm investigating a public opinion,

8. the representative of any company which wants to offer something

9. etc.

• the Closed information. As a rule, reception of such information is not absolutely lawful. However detective agencies, and various other offices willingly collect her(it) and give. You also can suit the agent in a target audience with a view of gathering the information. By the way, developing the advertising companies of firm, very much frequently introduce so-called cool hunter (cool hunters) in youth and other target audiences. These people take root in youth тусовки and try to find out fashionable currents and that from the point of view of this audience is healthy, and that not so. By the way, it is very useful for business as the mistake in this field of activity very much frequently results in sad consequences. Distracting from a theme, I shall inform, that back one French firm has lost some years that she(it) has removed(taken off) in advertising a scooter which was as though stylishly dressed, but from the point of view of youth on it(him) were not "пантовые" trousers. In result advertising was not a success, as well as a propagandized drink.

When investigate do not put a specific goal. For example, do not search, and « what to me such to find to discredit the competitor ». Search simply on more information, and the necessary information will be.

Methods of attack in black PR.

The Method of the compromising evidence.

You start any information which causes doubts in a target audience in competence of your opponent. And at use of this method it is necessary to cause doubts in competence of the opponent, instead of doubt in competence of accusations.

To use this method it is necessary: to create event which will allow to draw attention of a target audience to the information; to start the information, having distributed her(it) through MASS-MEDIA.

The Basic complexity of this method consists in search and edition of the most compromising information. The distributed information should satisfy to the following criteria:

• To be truthful. What is the truth? That count the truth.

• To be incontestable. The opponent should be deprived opportunities to deny this information. If the question is the material facts they, as a rule, are difficult for calling in question. However if conversation on virtual concepts, such as etc. Their opponent can turn love, confidence, a duty, honour, understanding, solidarity, acceptance and nonacceptance, animosities upside down, and your truth becomes lie. It(he) can make the same, having convinced key people of your campaign in opposite. For example, someone speaks, that it(he) does not love your opponent, but under influence of financial grants this someone can change the opinion. And your statement, that the given target audience does not love your opponent becomes lie.

• To be clear. If your information is quite proved, but based on any not clear to general public concepts - it is required to refuse such information. The confusing and difficultly transmitted facts also плохи, as well as a false information. It is very difficult to interest in them press and it is difficult to convince the public in something. If the information cannot be submitted simply - to refuse its(her) use better. However, when the target audience consists of intellectually advanced people use of the complex(difficult) information is possible.

• To be actual. Simply your information should have the direct attitude(relation) to interests of a target audience for which she(it) is designed.

• To be safe. Use of compromising information can be connected to judicial claims and other negative consequences. You should take into account risks. Also use such information only if the risk is justified.

How to distribute the compromising evidence and to communicate with press I shall tell in the subsequent sections of the book. Method of a bad praise This method assumes to praise the opponent publicly but so that in result the attitude(relation) to it(him) of the public became negative. It is reached(achieved) by перехваливания. Хваления by means of the excessive use of the epithets which have been not confirmed with the facts. And also by a mention among laudatory given to the latent negative information (or negative from the point of view of a target audience).


Example. Praise is worse than an abuse

------------------------ Once the group of deputies wanted to act on the celebratory action organized by the chapter of one of areas but so that the going population, to incite against it the chapter of administration. Naturally they did not want it to do(make) as the chapter quite could guess their intentions. Therefore they have addressed to me, and I have given one person who was entered in the rules of this action. Officially it(him) have declared, how one of local businessmen.

Action Began. Going(gathered) acted with laudatory speeches to address of the chapter of administration. Inhabitants of area answered them a burst of applause. All was in style of Soviet times. But … After performance(statement) of an orchestra on a stage our person has left. It(he) has told, that as is healthy, that at us such « remarkable the chapter of administration which cares of development of area and builds new houses and cafe ». Further it(he), using laudatory epithets, has listed those houses which in the near future will construct in the given microdistrict and inhabitants have soon started to understand, that their court yard gradually will turn in колодцы. At many on eyes smiles and celebratory mood have disappeared.

Also the celebratory mood has disappeared and from the person of the chapter of area, but the result was achieved, the population was adjusted against the chapter of area and at the future builders serious problems with the public began to be expected.


Method of double audiences.

The given method assumes consecutive influence on some target audiences. And the first audiences are used for the actions(shares) focused on the second audiences. For example, the population, then mass media, and then authority in the beginning is excited. Naturally a sequence of actions(shares) in all cases different. But final instance of all PR-campaign are authorities. However the given sequence more convincingly on them influences, rather than if you directly address to authorities.

Campania, based on this method, are built from several consecutive campaigns, as a rule, incorporated by one problematics. This method is effective, if for you is necessary powerful PR. These campaigns can be realized even on very insignificant budget as the subsequent stages are financed by interested persons.


Example. The nationalism is worse than larceny.

----------------------------------- So, I needed to attack one company which had almost faultless reputation. I have found very few the suitable facts for attack. My agent, having entered with them in interaction also has casually come across group of general managers - nationalists.

Externally these harmless people nothing resembled nationalists, but in private(individual) conversations frequently expressed to an occasion of one of the nations, as not high-grade. They actively abused mental faculties of representatives of this nation and sneered at them.

I have found incontestable proofs of their nationalism, and also text and аудио records - confirming this fact.

We have addressed in a regional national community, then in hundreds companies where directors were representatives of this nationality. Appeared, that managers - nationalists actually constantly cooperate with the companies where managing posts are borrowed(occupied) with representatives of a nationality abused by them.

Many influential representatives of the given national community have learned(found out) about the negative attitude(relation) to them on the part of managers - nationalists. In result this audience itself began to carry out(spend) hostile actions and black PR, the companies focused on all target audiences. Their active black PR activity has resulted to that the company headed by managers - nationalists, for one year has come to the full bankrupt, having provided success to my client. And on them pressed as through power structures, through their own personnel, suppliers and clients.

The Nationalism is weakness of people which want to feel due to him(it) more significant. However this weakness served, and will serve business black PR. do not create the hands the compromising evidence against itself.

Even if around of you there are no the influential people representing any nationality or creed - do not abuse them. Even your personnel (if it(he) will be this nationality) is capable to destroy your business. Business in a modern society too strongly depends on an environment


This method also is good, if you find any target audience which suffers from wrong actions of the competitor and by means of this audience arrange actions(shares) against the competitor, but are guided already by completely other audience. That is it is absolutely unessential to have the facts compromising the company, for example, before the person of clients. It is enough to find an intermediate audience between clients and the company and to attack her(it), and this audience already then attacks clients.

On all of a question write to me.

vuima@vuima.ru in heading of the letter write


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Yours faithfully Anton Vujma


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