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Anton Vujma's book About black PR

Method of virtual concepts

This method completely leans(bases) on theories of virtual concepts. And in more detail these concepts I have told about a manipulation in the appropriate section. However briefly we shall stop on this method here.

Image of any firm is based on several virtual concepts. Frequently it is concepts: престижность, universality, модность, love to the buyer, popularity among buyers, value etc.

It Is simple to guess, that all these concepts are made only in our reason, but, as a rule, have the certain material acknowledgement(confirmations) promoting better comprehension by our reason of these concepts. So престижность can prove to be true by the goods, use of expensive(dear) materials, the use of this subject by known people. In too time all this a myth as frequently the real cost price of the prestigious goods is much lower. However in these goods sellers want to put in pawn additional value that the buyer could, using this thing to show the superiority over other people. By the way, the price of a subject actually has not the big value. Frequently for achievement of the high price the subject is supplemented with unnecessary elements unnecessary or nearly so. We shall notice, that frequently the dredge costs(stands) more dearly(expensively), than the sports automobile, but престижность drivings on it(him) is doubtful, while someone will not make a VIP - dredge. And you see as it is convenient to go by such transport: It is safe so, that, врезавшись in the house it is possible to break to it(him) a wall, having remained in an integrity and safeties, and about other automobiles and to speak there is nothing. Other ordinarier variant of the prestigious automobile is the automobile - amphibian, but also they frequently at the high price have no sufficient value in eyes of the consumer.

To destroy a myth about value of the goods, consistently it is necessary to attack all making virtual concepts "престижность", namely material components of a subject, the behaviour of people connected to it(him), a positive or negative estimation of a subject, feature of possession of a subject.


Example. Vagabonds in элитном club.


One my familiar has received the order for reduction of a level престижности one Moscow restaurant - club having faultless reputation among capital elite. Naturally at an input(entrance) in club the face-control and some huge bouncers was. The big value had also that on what there has arrived the visitor. Owner Zhigulej could simply not start up there.

My familiar it was required to neutralize image престижности institutions and to convince local public of inferiority of an institution.

What my familiar has made? Once on Saturday when in club the basic visitors, his(its) people have gathered, having changed clothes in VIPs - persons, came on smart automobiles to club, then came inside. In heat of evening they have departed in a toilet and have changed clothes in vagabonds. Besides it in their bags there were spirits with special characteristic aroma of the vagabond of year not washed a floor. The smell was specially generated for this action(share). Having poured with a head up to legs, they have passed in a hall and have sat on the places. People have started to jump aside from them. As not strange, protection not at once has thought what to do(make), you see these people were already inside and have ordered supper, and some already ate supper. And thus anybody from them did not break a social order. Anyway, when they have understood something was already late, the great bulk элитной public has left(abandoned) restaurant. Their managers fussed about these "vagabonds" and interested, as those have passed in club etc. Then them have politely exposed. One security guard has tried to strike such vagabond, but two reporters of the newspaper who have photographed this moment were on the spot formed.

On following day in newspapers photos of vagabonds have appeared in this club, and it was told that public at expensive(dear) restaurants looks sometimes nonconventionally. In the same place was interview to one of "vagabonds" which asserted(approved) that has received the big alms and has decided to have a rest at restaurant.

The next days for maintenance of the image, the special person brought the aromatic balls capable for a long time to allocate unpleasant smell in this club. They were hidden in various places of club and constantly reminded visitors of arrivals of vagabonds.

When the administration has entered system of thorough tracking visitors for these balls, was already late - the club has got doubtful reputation among "тусовки" and she(it) has moved in other club.

It certainly not the most beautiful example, but it(he) shows a method in operation.


Including the method of virtual concepts can be used and for creation of new concepts which will destroy old, and together with them and your competitors.

Method освистывания.

From most ancient times wishing to break performance catcalled it(him) and deserted tomatoes. Besides a manifestation of protest these actions prevented actors to execute performance. Something similar can be used and in modern PR.

For example, you want to paralyse work in a large supermarket. Start there significant crowd of people which will create turns on cash departments. Let these people simply approach to cash departments with impressive quantity(amount) of the goods, beat out huge checks, and then speak, that have forgotten a purse. Similarly it is possible to start crowd which on something will complain or stand in turn in a toilet. In bank it is possible to build turn to all кабинкам and these people will do(make) tiny contributions.

During mass actions(shares) similar actions will be rustling by legs, хлопанье without a theme (for example, выхлопывая a familiar rhythm), inclusion сирены etc. Similar methods easily is possible to break performances(statements) of orators, and also protest actions. Frequently at dispersal of meetings try to apply force or to pour going(gathered) water. However it is necessary to understand, that their main purpose it to promulgate the information. And attempts to disperse meeting by force result in the proof of that authorities against distribution of this information. Therefore if something also it is necessary to interfere so it with distribution of the information. For this purpose speeches of orators can be muffled сиреной which costs(stands) much more cheaply, rather than the acoustic systems used on meeting. It is possible to pour over posters from the helicopter a paint or to illuminate a bright projector.

Method of an administrative resource. This method, perhaps, in the least degree has attitudes(relations) to PR, but lobbying of an administrative resource is frequently used for black PR. In this case simply administrative structures are incited against any enterprise and by means of these structures, and there is his(its) destruction.

Having communications(connections) in tax inspection and other authorities easily can struggle by means of familiar with the companies competitors. Many try to convince bodies of the government by a payoff to struggle with their competitors. It is one of the most widespread methods black economic PR in Russia.

From my point of view it is dirtiest method PR, not worthy uses respecting PR-меном.

Method of a hook and наживки.

This method is rather simple. The information trap for the future object black PR is created. The object is enticed there and on itself creates the compromising evidence. A typical example of such company was a history with the president of USA Bill Klintonom and Моникой Левински. In the beginning Clinton have acquainted with it(her) and distances have organized their novel. Then other woman has accused Clinton of sexual harassments. In itself this accusation was groundless, but in court the question was given: « And whether you, mister the president had, intimate relations with any women besides your wife? ». It(he) has answered: "No". Also has got in a trap of which could not get out. Then it was proved, that it(he) had attitudes(relations) with Моникой and therefore has told lies in court under the oath, that it is unlawful, and for the president threatens with impeachment.

Very much frequently people create against themselves the compromising evidence, giving interview. As well as public prosecutors form the majority of accusations on indications of the most accused, and the best samples of the compromising evidence are delivered sometimes with object black PR. Accused their lawyers recommend to be silent, and in PR opposite it is necessary to speak - correctly to speak.


Example. The building company kills the workers.


The Director of one large building company has collided(faced) the whole complex of unexpected problems, after death as a result of accident of one of workers on construction, their spent firm.

And so on construction there was a failure in result a bark one worker was lost. Usually such accidents do not serve as the reason for the beginning black PR to campaign, but in this case someone has ordered black PR against a management(manual).

To the director of the company the skilled journalist was sent. This journalist could put in pawn any text in lips of the interviewee. How it(he) did(made) it? It(he) asked, containing necessary answer. Trying to answer him(it), best having considered the answer, the director of the company of the beginnings to repeat separate words and phrases of questions. And the journalist as though badly understanding, asked again the separate moments. In result it was published by interview where from questions of the journalist of nothing remained, but there were answers of the interviewee. From the received interview, it was possible to draw conclusions, that to heads of this building company is deep to spit on lifes of workers, and presence of a cheap labour and nonresident allows them not печалится to an occasion of death of any one silly worker and to not care of security measures on стройках.

In result in that city the uncooperative altitude of the clients buying apartments, authorities, and employees of this building company was developed. Over them were threw with every possible checks, and the significant part of the personnel has left and has declared in court, demanding to compensate various penalties.

It has seriously undermined ability to live of the company and нескоро it was possible to them will recover from this impact.


The Essence of a method « a hook and наживки » is those. In the beginning it is necessary to develop separate campaign by the purpose which is завлечение the competitor in such situation when it(he) on itself(himself) will create the compromising evidence. And it(he) can how to make real compromising action, and independently to distribute about itself(himself) compromising information, somewhere something not that having told.

Then you, having received the necessary compromising evidence, carry out(spend) your black PR-campaign. Being based on this compromising evidence.

Method of public indignation.

Many enterprises have weight of the moments with which the public can be indignant. It is the expensive automobile of the director of firm, magnificent in office, active развитее the enterprises, emissions in an environment, harmful manufacture, oppression of someone's rights, the small salary of the personnel at the enterprise, political ambitions of the director, feature of business of the enterprise etc.

The Purpose of the given method to find that object which is capable to exasperate the public. Then to promulgate the facts, capable to exasperate the public. And, at last, to exasperate the public and opportunities to stretch(drag out) this indignation on longer term.

Method of the virtual compromising evidence.

In this method as the compromising evidence the real fact, and ostensibly having place desire or an idea of somebody is used not. Always it is possible to prove ложность or correctness of any material fact. However almost is not real to prove, that any person about something did not think. Ideas inside our reason are closed while for scanning and the analysis. And the more so those ideas which took place in the past are closed. Therefore always any person or group of people can be accused of plans and ideas of which they even did not think. Or thought, but in any way did not disclose these ideas. Or probably disclosed, orally in a narrow circle of "friends".

In many labour collectives intrigues are distributed, and it is especial typically for female collectives and people engaged in brainwork. And I repeatedly observed in literal sense an ant hill of intrigues at usual educational schools and institutes. In these organizations people receive the cheap salary, but thus plait weight of intrigues against each other, share on a coalition and a teeth seize the place and each slightest increase. And somewhere it is enough to tell of something hardly hardly negative to the address of the chief as it will be treated as if you his(its) most malicious enemy and think about his(its) displacement. And that is rare in such collectives completely invented reasons are interesting use. But it is possible to assert(approve) as also that the person has thought something about what it(he) and was not going to think and take advantage of this fact.

However that occurs in between people at personal dialogue strongly differs that occurs in PR which this personal contact, as a rule, excludes. At personal contact the person can tell with the fair person, that it(he) speaks the truth, and to it(him) will believe, having seen expression of his(its) person and intonation of a voice which are well familiar to all participants of event. And in PR it(he) can not make it.

Therefore in PR it is possible to use the virtual compromising evidence. It is necessary to estimate, that the attacked group of people concerning a target audience can think. What unhealthy ambitions at them can be. And then it is necessary to promulgate this virtual compromising evidence and to furnish any accessible proofs of his(its) fidelity. Or hints that such and such actions can testify to such intentions. Ridiculously, but frequently such compromising evidence works even without proofs. The target audience from its part can get doubt: « And you see something is valid such is. And you see it is valid they are going to make? » And this doubt already is result. Further they will start to search for the facts to confirm or deny the doubts and are fast their brain will find one hundred proofs of your words as many facts can be treated differently. And if someone from people gets image "bad" his(its) any actions start to be treated how desires to harm.


We shall consider Separate methods of realization of black PR-campaigns in other sections of the book. It is important to know, that the given technology is effective only at equally qualitative use of all accessible methods Public Relations. This chapter gives only general(common) representation about black PR-campaign, some kind of an environment to which it is necessary to add to technologies which are described below.


• the Majority Black the PR-companies needs to be carried out(spent) through the public noncommercial organizations. Can be involved as already existing, as and specially created public organizations.

• Use of public organizations allows to leave the company of the customer in a shadow. You do not have necessity to conduct this company from the person and somehow is active to participate in it.

• Black PR-campaign should pursue the good purposes useful to a society. She(it) should support ideas of goods and validity.

• it Is necessary to cause doubts in any vital property of the competitor instead of to try to discredit completely this property. It is not necessary to expose directly - it is necessary to derivate uncertainty of the consumer in useful qualities of the competitor. Better if the negative opinion on the competitor will arise in minds(wits) of a target audience owing to their own conclusions, instead of owing to your information.

• is important correct to choose a subject of attack and a target audience of attack.

• At absence of the information compromising the competitor it is possible to take advantage of the indirect facts with "correct" information accents(stresses).

Protection against attacks Black PR

Actually, to be protected from such attacks it is much more complex(difficult) than to attack itself. In world(global) practice there are many cases when from a stage there left brilliant policies(politics) and the companies only owing to impossibility to beat off the information attack organized by their political opponents. Sometimes erroneous protection is built so, that instead of neutralization of enemy attack she(it) opposite strengthened her(it), and the direct answer to attack or attempt of a refutation of the information resulted in the even greater amplification(strengthening) of consequences. These mistakes occur in consequence(investigation) not understanding of a nature of information attacks. PR-attacks essentially differ from military actions where even the small group, сопротивляющийся nevertheless damages to the big enemy army. And the big army going directly on the enemy quite can win it(him). Here all not so. Going directly and answering refutations it is possible to lose.

In too time any information attack successfully can be beaten off if to operate correctly, using complex(difficult) roundabout maneuvers. Moreover, sometimes it is possible to beat off attacks even then when consequences of their influence are already very significant.

Before to struggle with attack of competitors it is important to understand, in what the essence of attack and to understand a version of the made attack.

There Are 4 base versions of information attacks:

• Professional information attack.

• Nonprofessional attack.

• Spontaneous attack.

• the Spontaneous attack maintained by interested persons.

Professional attack assumes, that against you professional PR-managers or even the whole PR-agency work. She(it) is built duly black PR and effectively uses all accessible resources. To beat off such attack very difficultly and frequently practically it is not possible. Very much frequently the given kind of attacks is disguised under public organizations and the customer is not swept up.

Nonprofessional attack usually begins that someone from your competitors has decided that with you is necessary to struggle information methods and the beginnings it to do(make) independently. Frequently in this case there is custom-made clause(article) or the custom-made telereporting., as a rule, it is not a lot of publications and on their style it is possible to see, that it is custom-made clauses(articles). As a rule, these attacks are safe and not capable to cause strong damage. Them it is possible to ignore and as on them to not react. Sometimes to beat off them it is not meaningful, and the widespread mistake is the publication of refutations as refutations can strengthen attack and give to it(her) weight.

Spontaneous attack arises then when your business has infringed someone's interests. The building company can collide(face) interests of inhabitants близ laying areas. The oil-extracting company to collide(face) interests of inhabitants of cities taking place by a number(line). You also can touch interests of diplomatic missions, national communities etc. Infringing someone's interests need to be expected response and to prepare for it(her), and to carry out(spend) preventive maintenance before the beginning of actions in an explosive environment even better.

Frequently spontaneous attacks are supported by interested persons. It can be the public organizations interested in payments and popularity among the population. It can be political structures and separate politicians, and also simply your competitors. Also it is necessary to have to a kind, that the dissatisfied population actively complains in all instances and somewhere can find and your personal ill-wishers. At reception of support the given event can become very dangerous and develop in professional black PR (if the hostile party(side) will involve experts). A classical example of this kind of PR-attacks is sealing building in Saint Petersburg.

Inhabitants of various areas have found out, that parks and садики under their windows are cut down and on their place skyscrapers are set up. As a rule, their indignation was limited to only small actions(shares) and letters in instance and naturally practically never had success. However this field was noticed by deputies of Legislative assembly of Saint Petersburg and deputies of municipal councils. They have understood, how many political benefits are born(carried) with sealing building, and began to speculate on it, simultaneously helping (the truth not always) to inhabitants to rescue the parks and садики. That is in a harvest season of pre-election campaigns of 2003-2004 years separate deputies have received popularity on it. They held meetings, pickets and helped inhabitants to make letters, and working deputies delivered these letters to a management(manual) of city. In result the building companies have lost the platforms. And some have lost these platforms at a stage of a bookmark of the base. It is interesting, that many of these houses I fully comply with all norms, but deputies, nevertheless, play on not conformity of norms of light exposure. And it is valid, what inhabitant will agree what in his(its) house there will be a sun only in the evening and that within three hours?

How the building companies of city operated in this situation? The majority of them tried to solve a problem by means of money. Bribed all: regional administrations, municipal deputies, deputies ЗАКса, inhabitants, chairmen of housing co-operatives. That is this black PR beat off money. Also there were attempts to lead(carry out) some reciprocal actions(shares) in support of " sealing building », but basically all was solved money. It is necessary to notice, that on some points they could achieve by means of a payoff of results, but is far from being in all. This situation with sealing building has allowed to lower popularity Vladimir Jakovleva who then was the governor of St. Petersburg. The new instance also has appeared at the statement of the project public hearings. That is builders have obliged to ask opinion of inhabitants on the future construction. And inhabitants can be against building for absolutely biassed reasons. For example, to someone from inhabitants can it is simple it is not pleasant, that the new house where it(he) and his(its) children can not buy an apartment is under construction. This form of public hearing actually has turned to the new form of selection of money at builders. The matter is that the commission of regional administration which is present at public hearings can understand requirements of the population differently. The method of a drive on these hearings of "red", hired inhabitants which act always FOR also has was extended. In any case builders are spent also for it, and apartments rise in price.

In too time this problem it was possible to avoid before its(her) occurrence, and even after formation(education) of a problem all could be solved with the help much smaller money.

Professional information attacks.

We shall Disassemble each of the attacks given by a kind consistently. In the beginning we shall look how to be protected that of professional attacks. Certainly, professional attacks are very destructive and, not having special preparation or special people to be beaten off that of them not really. Many argue so: « At me all is seized. At authority my friends. In press too. Anybody with me will not make anything ». However it is excessive self-confidence. Even in completely totalitarian state, with thoroughly controllable press, successfully it is possible to do(make) black PR against people allocated authority. Not always it is necessary to use press you see there are also alternative information carriers. Sometimes it is enough to write or lower(omit) on a fence of something one letter in one letter box or to start a new joke. While people do not sit in separate cells(cages) and communicate among themselves - always probably to think up a new way of distribution of the information not accessible to censorship. In one прокоммунистическом product the interesting case is described. In prison the significant amount of political prisoners, but all in different chambers sat. One of them had a red shirt, it(he) began to pull out from it(her) a thread then to catch flies and to adhere to them these of a thread. Soon on all prison flies with red threads flied, and all prison sang Интернационал. Even in cells(cages) people still have opportunity of distribution of the information rendering on other people strong influence.

All even the most perfect systems of the organization of a human society have weight of holes which can be used for everything.

At an early stage professional attacks need to be identified. Whether that is to define(determine) really it is professional attack or it something another. For identification of professional attacks use the following initial attributes of attack:

• If you see, that the opponent tries to cause doubt in чём-or concerning you, instead of distributes the direct compromising evidence it can testify to professional attack.

• If that in what it(he) tries to cause doubt really one of key properties of your goods it also can testify about профессиональности the approach.

• If as a result of the analysis of a source of attack you have found out any PR-agency or PR-experts it also indirectly confirms presence of professional attack.

• Try to understand as far as long-term, the company is expected. If you understand, that this beginning of the big process, that, most likely it is professional attack.

• If behind attack there are three base components of professional attacks, that is your competitor, professional PR-experts and public organizations it is attack can appear professional.

Certainly, there are no unequivocal identifiers of similar attacks. But to set forth above attributes you with a high share of probability can understand, you deal with what kind of attack.

Now we shall understand how to counterattack professional black PR. In the beginning it is necessary to study methods of attack and a source of attack and to find out a maximum of the information on attacking party(side). For studying attacking party(side) you can address to detective agency. As a rule, to win more easy, having the sufficient information on the opponent. By the analysis of the information, you can understand, what data on you will be distributed by opponents.

Never it is necessary at once to start to deny directly the information distributed about you. Very much frequently the direct refutation aggravates consequences of attack even more strongly, i.e. simply you can strengthen the given actions efficiency black PR, directed against you. Your refutations would not be what obvious, they can not suffice for elimination of doubt arisen at a target audience. You see the doubt frequently also is the purpose of PR-campaign. Frequently for black PR difficultly checked information is used and those more its(her) check is not accessible to the most target audience. Your reasons will not be absolutely convincing, if the audience itself will not undertake to check the information incorporated in them, and, as a rule, the audience of it does not give. This property is basic difference of mass communications from personal. If at personal contact the reasons exposed to face can convince the person in what it is far from being always the same reasons will convince significant group of people which are reading the newspaper or watching TV. Method of disorganization of attack.

There Is a weight of methods отбивания information attacks. One of methods is, as not strange, your participation in attack of the opponent. That is you are offered to attack yourselves but to do(make) it not absolutely how the opponent. We shall name it a method - a method of the false purpose. While the opponent searches for the thin reason which is raising the doubts, you attack roughly. You throw off in that source of the information which your opponent occupied the sea чернейшей information. For example, that your office a brothel нарко-порно dealers, and the director the man's prostitute. That is distribute rough accusations which will seem to much absurd. In this weight of sensational extreme accusations of accusation of the opponent will look also absurd. You will make so, that the target audience will develop immunity, i.e. you some kind of inoculate.

Some years back company LEGO have undergone to information attack on the part of competitors. In the answer they have addressed in association of parents of one of the European countries. And parents have declared in court on LEGO having accused them in use in advertising characters of agitating children to begin race drivers and addicts. Shortly before it on screens of TVs the advertising roller where the character in style LEGO on the same motor vehicle valiantly goes among toys on huge speed has appeared. In opinion of parents this roller reminds races on a survival, and LEGO-человечек the addict. Thus children agitate to participate in races on a survival and to be exposed to risk. And under the German advertising legislation it is impossible to show in advertising images of children and children in situations dangerous to life. This silly accusation has mixed up with the information distributed by opponents, and black PR was neutralized.

Many try to achieve positive result by a payoff of those or other persons. However it is necessary to understand, that it is not possible. Anyway, it is impossible within the framework of professional black PR-campaign. Similar attempt of a payoff is instantly developed(unwrapped) against you.


Example. Good Idea громит Икею.


In such situation appeared Moscow IKEA. Something this shop has not liked city administration, and against him(it) was some times done(made) black PR-campaigns. Once security guards IKEA have beaten the buyer who tried to leave through an entrance door. The matter is that in IKEA an input(entrance) in one place, and the output(exit) in the friend and to reach an output(exit) it is necessary to pass through all hall and will familiarize with all goods. And this pass goes through a labyrinth of counters. In result they guarantee to themselves the fact of purchase. Nobody can leave therefrom without purchases. But same reception Мерчандайзинга negatively influences mood of the buyer if it(he) will cross an entrance aperture and has felt badly. Back through the same door to not return any more. It is necessary to go through all hall on стрелочкам. And any requests to show direct road will not move to pity cold persons of the personnel. You ask short road, but to you will repeat: « Go on стрелочкам ».

And this unfortunate buyer has gone on стрелочкам. But to it(him) it became bad, and it(he) has rushed back to an input(entrance). However it(him) have not let out. Then it(he) began to be torn by force. It(he) was caught with protection and has beaten. The buyer has examined побои and has written the application in militia. Also one has become interested in this case known телеведущий and has devoted to it(him) some telecasts on the central TV. Телеведущего has touched, that « the Russian person have beaten in the Swedish shop » In one of transfers it(he) has called in a department on public relations IKEA and began to speak on this theme. 40 minutes the manager on PR it was justified by various ways, but at the end of conversation has offered to meet a management(manual) and to try to agree. That is in a forehead directly on air has offered monetary indemnification. It, certainly, at once was revolved against IKEA.

Activity of the most Moscow IKEA is the whole collection of PR-mistakes. Probably the matter is that weak (taken on acquaintance) the PR-personnel. Probably неготовность the Swedish firm to Russian mentality. If for the Swede clearly, that when burns red light that it is red, for Russian red light not always red. When only it was made a decision on construction IKEA, group of pensioners has organized a series of meetings against construction of the Swedish shop near to a memorial to Great Domestic war. Management(manual) IKEA has written about it, that it is simply black PR against IKEA. As a result of publications about the given fact began five times more, and the pensioners hating IKEA, in hundreds times more. Whether a competent way to stop black PR not so?


One of known security guards of president Yeltsin was accused in connection with prostitutes of a sauna. It is video have shown some telechannels. And it has seriously undermined his(its) image. However the method of the false purpose could be used for neutralization of this information. This person needed to find to itself the double or someone under itself to make up. Then it someone to photograph in a naked kind and to place this photo in Playboy or similar magazine in обнимку with a known порно-star. Then to tell: « Yes I really have double. It(he) is necessary for my safety. That is appears instead of me in public places. Moreover, at me even some doubles ». But to follow them it is difficult and consequently some of them are engaged in it. In view of that doubles of the chief of protection of the person confidential they can be not shown at all.

Professional information attack is directed, as a rule, on key properties of your goods. However if you can allocate(remove) impact and will achieve that his(its) basic force will fall to collateral properties it will allow to avoid the majority of the consequences caused black PR.

Method of flash.

Other method of neutralization black PR is the method of Flash. Any event which directly is connected to your firm is created, but completely eclipses the brightness the information attack directed against you. The way of realization of the given method is shown in film « the Tail wags a dog ». To eclipse the negative information which opponents want to distribute against the president of USA, пиарщики this president create war with Albania. They do not begin real war, and only simulate military actions. A similar method tried to apply пиарщики the president of Clinton. When the conflict with Моникой Левицки began, was suddenly formed конфлкит with Yugoslavia. Also suddenly Clinton has broken a leg and in plaster and an invalid carriage went on the international meetings.

The Method of flash allows to transfer(translate) a public resonance in completely other plane, and is equally well applicable both for the big business and a policy(politics), and for small shop. To realize a method of flash it is necessary to take into account two moments:

• Created event should be many times more sensational and is brighter than what was created by your opponent. It should blind a target audience in literal sense.

• Created event should lay in other information plane.

• it not as is not connected to a negative distributed by the opponent and in any way in a context of flash the negative should not be mentioned. It(him) as though does not exist.

To Much can seem, that these techniques are not applicable(applied) for fine business, but it not so. We shall present, that in small small деревеньке shoemaker Vasja and all village lives repairs at him(it) boots. However Feodor Ivanovich has quarrelled with Васей because of woman Njury and Began to abuse Васю and to speak, that that badly to it(him) has repaired boots. It(he) does not abuse in a forehead, and speaks, that like good shoemaker Vasja, but for some reason after his(its) repair is more than year boots do not rush. Or it is better in general than nothing speaks, but simply goes with the torn boot and when it(him) ask: « Why you Feodor Ivanovich in рванных boots go ». It(he) answers: « Yes recently to Vasily descended(went) has repaired, but something has quickly fallen off подметка … » If it(he) correctly will make all, people will doubt of shoemaker Vase and will start to repair boots at whom that another. What bright events can make Вася:

• To create the big boot. So big, that on hearings of it(him) have placed in the Book of Records of Russia or Гиннеса. And to expose this boot at an input(entrance) in workshop. And actually to try to place there it(him).

• To make elegant туфельки ostensibly under the order of the known actress. And actually it should be surprising shoes. And also it is not bad to look изветсную for the actress for shoes. If she(it) will arrive in деревню Vasily's reputation it will be guaranteed is corrected.

• To marry woman Njure.

• To find lost it is a lot of years back the brother. ------------

Very much frequently lawyers of firm agitate a management(manual) to declare in court on press and on direct offenders. When the information is not published yet is really good method. But, when you operate so against professional, well prepared black PR it is dangerous and practically useless measure. As practically always in black PR the truthful information, or such which can be considered truthful for not as an opportunity of its(her) check is used to prove something in court it becomes almost impossible. Moreover, even having proved correctness in court you can not get rid of doubt of a target audience. One time in banks began seems with Пепси-Колой to find needles. Through courts they have proved something, but selling all the same at has fallen for some months. They certainly managed to stop process of search of needles, however it was not possible to neutralize firms of a consequence fatal for image.

Divergences in the approach at lawyers and пиарщиков very strong. So in a situation when there was an information crisis in consequence(investigation) of wrong actions of the personnel of the company, the lawyer speaks, that it is necessary to forget and be silent about all, and PR-managers on the contrary consider, that it is necessary to tell the truth. In result, frequently the information all the same emerges, but already in a uncontrollable kind and the huge damage causes to the company. While, having told her(it) at once it was fashionable to redirect its(her) destructive force to the advantage(benefit). Having told at once the truth (let even what can do much harm) it is possible her(it) so рефреймировать, that she(it) will cease to be fatally dangerous to the company.

For realization of a method of flash it is necessary to create event which on the sensational nature, зрелищности, ideological loading will eclipse any negative connected to you. TV and simply the MASS-MEDIA love shows and sensations. And if you learn to create them will have significant success at them. the MASS-MEDIA are interested in sensations and shows as they are loved very much with an audience, and the audience defines(determines) a rating accordingly success of this or that telechannel.

Also rather simple method of neutralization black PR is direct advertising. You simply can increase volume of the advertising company in some times, thus having eclipsed black PR the campaign going against you. However this method not well enough in consequence(investigation) of mistrust of people to advertising, as such. We shall name the given method - a method of an advertising campaign. It(he) is some kind of a version of a method of flash.

Other method of neutralization of the opponent is counterattack. We shall name this a method - a method of counterattack. In this case you begin own PR-campaign directed on discredit of those who discredits your firm. That is you attack a source of the negative information on you. If it is the deputy the deputy and if it is public organization means that organization. You also can attack and the main customer black PR. Attack by means of all described above and below methods. Result should become discrediting of sources of the negative information on you.


It is very important to understand such principle PR. The truth is that count the majority the truth. Kindly is that the majority counts goods. In each states and public structures these concepts are various. Their differences can be very essential. Moreover, with help PR it is possible to create the new truth and new kindness. If you prove, that something lie, but your opponents will repeat, that it is the truth and will make it hundreds times on TV and radio the truth will be that they will tell.

We observably(notice) the Similar phenomena in the foreign countries considered advanced. There speak: « At us it is a lot of civil freedom. Our population is free ». However these freedom are limited the norms accepted in a society, every possible rules of public behaviour and behaviour in the certain places, well and certainly laws. And laws this least of possible(probable) restrictions of freedom. Besides them there is an enormous quantity(amount) of every possible rules and the obligations transforming the inhabitant of such state in the slave which the residence can not change a job, not change and actually is faster deprived of civil rights шестеренкой, than the free citizen.

Yes it is possible to live freely but then there will be no "correct" work and the person can not pay the Hypothecary credit. And there is a desire to eat, sleep and live as everything submit to these rules. Where here freedom? This disguised voluntary slavery. In addition to all what for there is a necessity to put circle of a videocamera, privately to watch(keep up) moving of citizens on the location of their cellular telephone. All new and new methods of shadowing "free" citizens and all new new methods of restriction of their opportunities are invented, i.e. necessity to receive sanctions and to register almost any action. Where here freedom if secretly it is impossible even to descend(go) in a toilet? In free America the guy can not is quiet even with the girl will get acquainted in the street as there is a serious probability, that the girl will accuse it(him) in sexual harassment.

However competent PR allows these restrictions of freedom to name a celebration of democracy. And leaders of these states start to assert(approve), that they have freedom and same freedom should насаживаться in other states. Democracy assumes народоправление, but the simple citizen from people hardly probable can there without the help monetary bags come to authority. This the same monarchy of the capital. However, speaking about freedom, and leaders of these countries have forced people to believe democracy in it. And any individual statements can not overpersuade the majority of people in truthfulness of their governors. That is the person is limited in the opportunities not to fear and an interdiction, and simple lack of money and need(requirement) in something.

In black PR there is a widespread mistake when, abusing someone you thus do(make) to it(him) free-of-charge advertising. But professional attack takes into account this factor and will build a chain of events so, that you do not receive advertising. In black PR response, as a rule, is taken into account(discounted), and measures for use of your reasons against you are accepted. At once I shall notice, that it concerns only professional attacks and does not concern other versions of information attacks.

In other sections we still repeatedly shall touch methods of struggle against professional attacks. And now we shall proceed(pass) to nonprofessional.

On all of a question write to me.

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Yours faithfully Anton Vujma


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