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Anton Vujma's book About black PR

Nonprofessional information attacks.

Criteria of identification of nonprofessional attacks:

• the Opponent strikes a blow not on the main properties of your goods. That is it(he) informs a target audience about something negative, connected with you, but this negative does not concern the basic properties of the goods for the sake of which it(he) is bought by representatives of a target audience.

• the Opponent uses obviously false facts.

• At the information distributed by the opponent there are the general(common) words which are not bearing(carrying) the concrete information. For example, it(he) speaks, that your firm bad, roguish, malicious, dirty, vile, settling etc.

• you observe custom-made reportings, i.e. the materials placed in MASS-MEDIA is obvious for money. Here, by the way, especially having opinion, that all easily is possible to be mistaken « clauses(articles) custom-made ». As a rule, custom-made clause(article) it is visible on its(her) singularity, i.e. in one edition is, and in the friend is not present. And on attempts « to please the customer », i.e. the journalist shows obvious interest.

• For the person of the customer it is not visible serious PR-structures.

Having found out, that against you is used nonprofessional black PR, you can undertake the following actions. Look in the beginning closely(attentively) at this activity. Can be anything do(make) it is not necessary? Very much frequently nonprofessional black PR - gives you advertising effect and all. You only can call the competitor and thank it(him) for free-of-charge advertising. However if you find out, that the distributed information something is dangerous, that is can incite what small part of a target audience against you then it is necessary to begin active actions.

As against professional black PR, here you quietly can declare in court, however many times calculate a course of events before to do(make) it. You unintentionally can make against yourselves powerful black PR of which the competitor was not capable. However if you are sure, that accusations do not concern key properties of firm quietly declare in court. Notice, that the courts accusing Michael Dzheksona in violence above boys increase, nevertheless, his(its) popularity. In too time if same Michael Dzheksona have accused in singing under a soundtrack effect another would be. Any scandals rotating in далеке from the main properties of the goods are safe for your company. On the contrary they have advertising effect.

There Is still an idle time, but effective reception. If you see, that about you publish a false information. Call in publishing house of the newspaper or news agency and threaten with court. Very much not many publishing houses refuse, then to publish refutation and go in court. It is far from being all publishing houses want to be judged, and it is with interest pulled litigations. Many even are afraid of courts. Some publishers, nevertheless, speak, that abusive clause(article) was placed on rights of advertising and « by him(it) all on a drum ». Actually on rights of advertising to place such clause(article) they had no right, as this infringement of the law on advertising. Therefore successfully it is possible to be judged and with firm the customer of clause(article) and publishing house. All other excuses is only a fog which try to lower(omit) on your eyes that you did not go in court. Consult to lawyers and look, that it is possible to make.


Example. Whether always it is necessary to go in court, having seen black PR?

----------------- Abusings judicial claims is the tendency of struggle distributed in the world with black PR, whether however she(it) is always effective?

As practice shows - is not present. If in black PR the trustworthy information is used to achieve in court of something not really. At me such case was. I from the person carried out(spent) black PR-campaign against technology of the 25-staff. And actually it is technology only an advertising gimmick which is not having any scientific base. However some enterprises have gone further and began to invent the methods of treatment based on the 25-staff, methods of studying of foreign languages etc. I even saw commercial college where the technique of the 25-staff was used. Use of this technique latent swindle is natural is but to prove something very difficultly. But experts in the 25-staff not only do not recognize themselves as swindlers, but also try to become by aggressive advertising by strong contenders to real fair businessmen. That is the situation typical for black PR when a false product borrows(occupies) the market - reasonably to remove it(him) from the market by information struggle.

One of my clients owns the medical centre specializing on alternative methods of treatment. However in his(its) sector of the market the medical centre treating all illnesses by a method of the 25-staff operated. It is obvious, that dexterous businessmen making profit on a myth about the 25-staff took away any quantity(amount) of clients which have pecked on aggressive advertising. To expose swindlers I from the person of the beginnings against them black PR campaign, having published the data confirming not capacity of the 25-staff.

After occurrence of publications they came in indignation, having declared on me in court. I have made court property of the public. As a result of their application in court has only strengthened efficiency of my PR-campaign. And certainly the court was them проигран as I used more authentic sources of the information, rather than they and I have resulted in court of authoritative experts in the field of influence on mentality of people.

But their court became the additional free-of-charge action(share). In result, they were compelled to reduce that department which was engaged in treatment by a method of the 25-staff in their clinic. The reputation of this clinic also was certainly strongly spoiled.


With nonprofessional attacks the linear answer which categorically cannot be used against professional attack is possible(probable).

However more often not so positive clauses(articles) appear in newspapers not because of black PR, and owing to неумения to communicate with journalists. If the journalist has come to interview, it(he) searches for something interesting and sensational and it(he) can find sensation there where she(it) is not present, but with damage for you. To that, frequently journalists not so understand your ideas and that you tried to tell. Certainly, the high quality journalist never will publish an inexact material, but also among journalists nonprofessionals too meet.


Example. How to break meetings?


Once one of my clients has collided(faced) attempt to realize against him(it) the black PR-action. The chapter of one of areas wanted to dishonour, having made against him(it) meeting and having told, that is meeting « Against corruption in such area ». That is wanted to prove, that this person, so to say, main коррупционер cities. Us does not interest now, whether it(he) was коррупционером actually. To me have charged to break this meeting.

What was this meeting regional opposition? Forty - fifty old women have brought by the bus to a building of city administration. At everyone the poster was. Somewhere in posters it was spoken, that the chapter of area needs to be sent in resignation. Somewhere it was offered to not touch муниципалов, somewhere affirmed, that area completely погряз in corruption. Together with old women municipal deputies took part in meeting. They then had pre-election harvest season. Meeting was well protected by militia and the gangsters mixed with crowd.

I have resulted 30 young people and five old women. They had posters of the following maintenance(contents): « Масяню in presidents », « the Cord in deputies », « Долой corruption in HIGH SCHOOLS of city », « Zenith the champion » etc. they have appeared not at once, and then when the TV has approached(dropped in) on a building. Security guards and militia on eyes of mass media have started to disperse my people. They forced them to curtail(turn) posters, and those who resisted, put(planted) in кутузку.

As soon as they have dispersed all people, on a stage I have left has told half-hour speech against corruption as a whole. I have told: « One official, and almost everything corrupts in our country not, and corruption became already state system. Officials have too small salary and too big powers that forces them to be engaged in parallel business. And at many officials their basic state activity is only loading to business by which they do(make), using the administrative position. To us will not get rid of corruption at the given stage. We need to force to work officials on us. To execute our needs(requirements) and needs. And even those deputies who here cost(stand), also corrupt also they cost(stand) to improve life of people at all here. They cost(stand) here to be selected on the second term. And as soon as they become deputies again, they will continue туже activity, as chapters of areas and they will sell also to builders sites under new skyscrapers near to your windows. You see and at municipal authorities the building companies as receive sanctions ». Many of old women, despite of the salary which they received from organizers of meeting, began to support my party(side). By the way my speech has affected in the negative party(side) and selective process in that district.

As soon as the TV has left, me have taken away in militia and ten minutes there held. Have released(let off), when have seen the certificate of socialist Party of Russia. The main militiaman has called the customer who of windows of administration observed of process and has asked: « Here a socialist any. To release(let off)? ». That has probably told, that released(let off).

After arrival to office I have distributed the press release where has told, about « Volume as will be carried out(spent) ангажированные meetings » and about the participation in this meeting. I managed to receive some reportings where have rigidly crushed the given municipal deputies (for example, in АИФ clause(article) referred to « Self-management a stumbling-block »). Same clauses(articles) which have appeared concerning this event, in press close to holding a meeting deputies, were rather ridiculous as, despite of their statements, that intelligently broke meeting, there enough a bright point I shined the poster (about Масяню) and my speech.

In the result, any negative reaction of higher authorities concerning the chapter of this area has not followed. As it was required to achieve.


Spontaneous information attacks.

- these are attacks which arise spontaneously and are initiated by any group of negatively adjusted population. To collide(face) such attack, it is necessary to infringe the activity interests of any group of the population, the enterprises or authorities.

Methods of identification of spontaneous attack:

• Be convinced, that attack is not professional or nonprofessional. Methods of definition of it are described above.

• it Is necessary to find group of the population which opposes you. As a rule, they do not disappear also it easily enough to make.

• Be convinced, that behind this group of the population nobody costs(stands). Meet them.

• Study their interests and, that particularly you have mentioned.

Basically frequently to define(determine) such kind of attack simply. Also it is not difficult to learn(find out) and who behind it(her) costs(stands), as the population very much willingly about it tells.

Now we shall consider methods of struggle against such kind black PR.

There are some methods:

• Preventive maintenance of the possible(probable) conflict.

• Creation of compromise variant.

• the Latent payoff.

• the Masking, having place events.

• Отвлечение attention.

On all of a question write to me.

vuima@vuima.ru in heading of the letter write


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Yours faithfully Anton Vujma


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